However, if you were to order yourself; that is, directly to your own address, you would most likely pay a lot more. Shipping via Prostobox will save you up 2-3 times the amount you'd be charged with direct shipment methods provided by eBay.
By getting a free U.S. address with Prostobox, you could receive free eBay delivery to our warehouse.
That is beacuse most of them simply do not ship outside the U.S., and operate domestically. To get around these limitations a mail forwarder - like Prostobox - is of great assistance to you!
All sellers will be available to you
Standard eBay shipping outside the U.S. generally exceeds 30 days.
With Prostobox, you will receive your order in
7-10 days after it is shipped from our U.S. warehouse.
Goods will get to you faster
Prostobox warehouse is located in the 100% tax-free state of Delaware. You won't pay ANY American taxes...legally!
Save more on shipping multiple goods from different stores in one parcel. Order from various stores, collect all packages upon arrival at the warehouse, and
consolidate them into one parcel. This option is completely free with Prostobox.
You can consolidate multiple parcels into one
We remove any extra and unwanted packaging, shoe boxes, and marketing materials in order for your package to weigh and cost less.
We make parcels lighter by removing the unnecessary
why you need to shop on eBay with Prostobox
You won't pay an extra cent (for shipping) at the Prostobox website
Top up your balance for free from $10
When you register on eBay from outside the U.S., you will likely to miss out on a lot of great offers and value-oriented sellers.
Ask anything about your parcels and delivery through online chat and tickets on our
website Friendly Customer Service 24/7